Everything Sings

Coyote with little Fox finger mask attached to a wireless MIDI control ring.


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    Half Mask
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    Earth Singer
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    Spirit of Dreamtime
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    Spirit of Dreamtime
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    Basswood Fox
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    Buddha BigEars
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    Inua Yua
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    LongNose Tree Spirit
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    Loon Spirit
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    Loon Spirit
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    Blue Oracle
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    Blue Oracle
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    Father Wind
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    Sheeoue Windhorse
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    Ghost Spirit
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    LongNose Tree Spirit
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    Loon Spirit
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Welcome to one of the two "home" pages documenting my work, spanning the years from 1974 to the present. See Soundings++ for the full chronology. There are multiple ways to traverse this maze. You can use the top menu bars, which, rather than using drop-down menus, have two "home" pages, this one, and the second labeled &&& on the right side of the bar. Or you can use the table of links at the bottom of this page. If you're up for a real adventure, you can hit the random button. There are links on many pages that lead deeper into the maze. You can always come back to the Home pages by hitting the Home or &&& buttons on the top menu bar of each page.Have fun and good luck!
Take a leap!

"The Singing Masks of Norman Lowrey brought the mysterious mythical world of dreams to Deep Listening Space during Ione's Dream Festival (October, 1997). The audience was transported immediately to a different dimension by the sound world created by the interaction of sounding mask and audio space emanating as natural surroundings. The reaction was peaceful yet electric."

Dream Life Radio

Click here to listen to the archive recording of my guest appearance on Dream Life Radio on Kingston Radio May 16, 2024, with Carole Ione, Lisa Barnard Kelley, and Jaguar Mary X. It was a great pleasure to do some dream sharing and participate in discussion about the importance of dreaming, as Ione says, “the deepest source of our creativity."

She further says, “We know that through dreaming our lives are enhanced, and we are freeing the dreams, and we are lifting off judgement about them so that we can enjoy them more.”

Listening With China Blue

Click above to listen

Listening with China Blue is a podcast about listening. In this podcast the artist China Blue interviews musicians, artists, filmmakers, teachers, Buddhists, psychiatrists, business leaders and culture creators about how listening leads to creativity, innovation, change and happiness. October 14, 2024.

Autumn 2024

Autumn seen out our front door, with Tunnituaruit singing, November 1, Kingston, NY.

Remember, Dream - Revisited

a Singing Mask Ceremony with Sound/Video Dreamscape by Norman Lowrey & Zera Bloom. Presented originally at Ione's 14th Annual Dream Festival, Kingston, NY October 9, 2010 it also appeared at Bennington College April 2, 2011, and Drew University Art Department Korn Gallery, Friday, November 18, 2016. This revisited version includes brief clips from the presentation at Drew University.

All are invited to be present in Dream Time, listening into the moment, discovering who we are in this moment, within and without, listening, sounding, moving, seriously playing the moment, exploring the moment as a community of listeners/viewers. A sound/video dreamscape which has evolved from Norman's prior Singing Mask ceremonies, his 2009 work "Mysterium Magnum", home videos and electronic music by Zera will accompany us in this journey.


Picture Commissioned by the Smithsonian's Freer|Sackler Galleries for inclusion in the "Resound: Ancient Bells of China" exhibit.

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Take a leap!

Contact: nlowrey@drew.edu

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